The Process Is Most Important Part Of The Journey!
Agile Methodology
Agile Methodology, as conveyed by its name, aims to be quick and easy. With the focus on delivering results in iterations, the scope is always there to correct any approach or part of the result early-on in the cycle. Adapting to Agile has enabled us to stay in touch with our clients better and keep ourselves focused on the requirements.
Benefits of Agile!
- Better feedback loop with the client
- Improvement in Quality with each sprint
- Better ability to change according to feedback
- Economic for us and our clients
Testing, the agile way!
Project Analysis
- Understanding of the project
- In-depth understanding of the services needed
- Meeting with Project Team
- The signing of any contracts or NDA
Requirements Gathering and User stories creation
- Putting together clear and concise requirements
- Breaking big tasks to small stories
- Assigning priority to stories created
- Getting documentation ready
Smoke Testing
- Initial testing of the product by the testing team
- Getting any confusions addressed beforehand
- Ensuring there are no blockers
- Getting ready for test case creation
Test Case Creation
- Test Case Creation for execution
- Test case creation for automation if needed
- Dividing test cases by priority
- Dividing test cases by area
Testing and Bug Reporting
- Test case execution for each area
- Functionality bugs Reported
- UI/UX bugs reported
- Performance/security-related bugs reported
Daily Standup Meeting for Scrum
- Scrum meeting of 15 minutes daily
- Daily progress reported
- Any impediments addressed
- Any red flags raised
Verification and Regression Testing
- Verification of the bug fixes
- Regression testing and Retestings
- Another iteration of bug reporting, verification and regression testing if needed
- Review of documentation to bridge any gaps
Integration Testing on staging
- Testing in production-like conditions
- Testing of modules after integration
- In-depth testing like the end-user
- Testing with production data
Final Review
- Testing wrap-up
- Compilation of all reports
- Knowledge sharing with the client
- Addressing any end time requirements
As a matter-of-fact, communication does matter!
We strongly believe that for our collaboration to be successful, communication needs to be given the highest priority.
To start our work on your project on the right note, we need all the information about it. Initial discussion between our team and your project team and subsequent follow up, whenever needed, will keep us on track at all times.